No, this isnt about what you think it is about :-) The phenomenon of vibration is found almost everywhere, beginning from the , vocal chords to the mobile phone. Its a part of most engines, and to be more comprehensive, Vibration is the source of almost every sound we hear and also the reason why we can hear it. Secondly as Heisenberg and the wave equation kindly points out most things around us are constantly vibrating though thankfully our senses are not so acutely developed to realise that. So lets say that about sums up the importance and the abundance of vibration.
Besides scientists we also have some other kind of weirdos talking about vibrations, these are the mystics and the followers of mystics telling us about vibrations of the universe and about listening to devotional music.
Here we come to healing power of music.
Music, unlike plain sound is more relaxing and entertaining. Since sound is an outcome of vibration and music is a type of sound, lets call music as a type of vibration. Now music as we know it, is made using musical instruments and ... ok vocal chords also. Most ancient and for that matter Indian musical instruments work on the principal of Acoustic Resonance.
Resonance: A device (Sitar or violin string etc) vibrating at a particular frequency when present at a sufficient distance to a partially enclosed column of air, musical sound is produced. The most fundamental such maker of musical sound then is the Human sound box. Here the vibrating device is the vocal chord and the coulumn of air is in the vocal tract. Now lets see why are we learning this. We have just understood that resonance is the culprit behind all the music we hear. Lets say resonance is also the cause why we can hear the music produced by resonance.
Now, we come to why some type of music can heal better than some other type.
Every substance has a resonant frequency, a glass for example has its own resonant frequency which when matched causes the glass to shatter , everything has its resonant frequency, even a bridge which may collapse if the people walking on it produce a vibration having a frequency same as its resonant frequency. In a similar way lets us say that the ear drum when vibrated at a particular frequency causes the soothing effect, THOUGH THIS HAS NO BEARING ON RESONANT FREQUENCY OF THE EAR OR ANYTHING!
In the musical instruments we have different types, Voice, Percussion Instruments(tabla), Stringed instruments(guitar) and Wind (flute, trumpets etc) these are all the natural types, so obviously the sounds produced are more natural. It is these natural sounds that produce the soothing effect, compared to the electronic instruments.
So it is understood that the voice is a musical instrument and the sound "aum" causes a vibration, whats the significance of this vibration? thats something to think about.