Explanation, perhaps pertaining to ex-plane, plane, smooth down or level down. Whatever the word may break up into, the act of explaining takes place all around, in a Boss's cabin, In a classroom where a teacher explains a particularly complex topic to her students, or maybe in a park where one lover explains his behaviour at a particular moment.
There are two forms of the word then, To explain as in explaining a topic, and the other form in which explain pertains to getting oneself excused. The common element being to "make the other person understand".
In the context of excusing oneself : In this regard A person tends to highlight perhaps the various obstacles encountered by himself and which impeded his progress, or maybe he may list the various unfair factors he had to face. He may tell about any such factor and thus use it as a lever for lifting himself out of the blame, by making the listener understand the unavoidability of the situation.
Explanations are frequently labelled as an excuse especially when they are delivered by a subordinate mouth. The known integrity of the one giving the explanation, and credibility of the facts are some factors which govern whether the explanation will be called as an excuse or not.
The differnence between an excuse and a reason, is quite simple. An excuse is simply that reason supplied for not performing the required action, so why arent all reasons called as excuses? well that is subjective to the impossibility of the action which was to be performed. If the reason given couldnt be foreseen and contributed to the impossibility of the task, and if all possible part of the task has been carried out, then it isnt an excuse but a reason.
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